WhatsApp’s status feature launched in 2017, so as a result, users started to share GIFs, text, photos, and videos that disappear every twenty-four hours. However, lots of users love to post their desired content on their WhatsApp statuses and often wish to download images and videos. In this way, VidMate APK appears as the best option.
Of course, VidMate is the most popular and unique video downloader that allows its users to download WhatsApp photos and videos. Moreover, apart from this, users can download their favorite videos by accessing multiple platforms such as Daily Motion, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others. Furthermore, this platform is also supportive of downloads in MP3 and MP4 formats with swift downloading speed.
ToggleHow to Download WhatsApp Status through VidMate APK
- Firstly, explore VidMate APK through your smartphone.
- Click on the image section or status to browse available WhatsApp photos and videos.
- Choose the status image or video.
- Tap the red download button, select your preferred format like MP3 or MP4, and click download.
Last Words
VidMate is an excellent and perfect tool for downloading WhatsApp status videos and photos, that offers swift downloads and support for multiple platforms. Feel free to download your favorite content in MP3 or MP4 formats with just a couple of clicks.